Set in the Australian outback in the 1880s, the movie follows the series of events following the horrific rape and murder of the Hopkins family, allegedly committed by the infamous Burns brothers gang. Captain Morris Stanley captures Charlie Burns and gives him 9 days to kill his older dangerous psychopathic brother, or else they’ll hang his younger mentally slow brother on Christmas Day.
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Tagline:This land will be civilized.
Quality: HD
Year: 2005
Duration: 104 Min
Country:Australia, United Kingdom
Budget:$ 2.000.000,00
Revenue:$ 5.048.693,00
Director:John Hillcoat
Cast:Bogdan Koca, Boris Brkic, Bryan Probets, Daniel Parker, Danny Huston, David Gulpilil, David Vallon, David Wenham, Emily Watson, Gary Waddell, Guy Pearce, Iain Gardiner, Jae Mamuyac, Jeremy Madrona, John Hurt, Leah Purcell, Mick Roughan, Noah Taylor, Oliver Ackland, Ralph Cotterill, Ray Winstone, Richard Wilson, Robert Morgan, Shane Watt, Tom Budge