The story revolves around battle between two high school in SWORD area, Oya High School and Senomon Technical High School. The Head of Senomon Technical High School build a “three-school alliance” with two other school, Kamasaka High School and Ebara Commercial High School, and expand it’s power to aim the neck of Oya High School. Men of Oya High suddenly caught and attacked. Could Fujio protect them with his own fist? The battle to decide the real Teppen is about to begin.
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Quality: HD
Year: 2022
Duration: 119 Min
Director:Norihisa Hiranuma
Cast:Akihisa Shiono, Aoi Yo, Atsushi Arai, Fuju Kamio, Goki Maeda, Hokuto Yoshino, Ikuya Naganuma, Jun Shison, Kazuma Kawamura, Ken Nakajima, Kohei Fukuyama, Mizuki Itagaki, Nakamoto Yuta, Ryoki Miyama, Ryôtarô Sakaguchi, Ryuji Sato, Ryutaro Ata, Shin Koyanagi, Suzuki Takahide, Uekiya Satoshi, Win Morisaki