When the beloved cellist of a world-renowned string quartet is diagnosed with a life threatening illness, the group’s future suddenly hangs in the balance as suppressed emotions, competing egos and uncontrollable passions threaten to derail years of friendship and collaboration. As they are about to play their 25th anniversary concert — quite possibly their last — only their intimate bond and the power of music can preserve their legacy.
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Tagline:No arrangement is more beautiful … or more complicated.
Quality: HD
Year: 2012
Duration: 105 Min
Revenue:$ 6.303.709,00
Director:Yaron Zilberman
Cast:Alyssa Lewis, Amy Schroeder, Andrew Yee, Anne Sofie von Otter, Catherine Keener, Christopher Walken, Cristian Puig, David Redden, Imogen Poots, Liraz Charhi, Luke Fleming, Madhur Jaffrey, Mark Ivanir, Megan McQuillan, Nina Lee, Pamela Quinn, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rebeca Tomas, Stephen Payne, Ted Hartley, Wallace Shawn